
It’s the chocolate that created a cultish frenzy that we haven’t seen before. Cadbury’s Caramilk, came, went and then was re-launched again, spurring thousands of facebook groups, recipes and excited fans.

But it seems that not everyone is enamoured with the famous caramel-flavoured chocolate block.

Bruno Bouchet, who happens to be Kyle Sandiland’s manager, has dived deep into oozy Caramilk controversy by setting an entire box (16 bars) of the golden chocolate on fire.

Bouchet shared his latest stunt on his Instagram page saying:

“I burned $16,000 worth of Caramilk chocolate because no human deserves the pain of eating it.”

And just in case you were wondering, Bouchet reached the $16,000 total, as it has been recently revealed that single blocks are selling on eBay for over $1,000 a pop.

It’s Like Chocolate-Flavoured Plastic!

Bouchet chatted to news.com.au, saying:
“I burned the 16 blocks of Caramilk because I wanted to take this horrific product off our streets. If I can save one person from having the disgusting experience I had, then I’ll die a happy man.”

“What makes Caramilk so terrible is the lack of flavour and it’s plastic-like texture. Where’s that love, passion effort that Cadbury put into the Marvellous Creations range? Caramilk lovers are simply sheep who are led to believe they love the product when in actual fact they’re falling for the oldest marketing trick in the book: ‘limited edition’.”

To make Caramilk fans cringe even more, Bouchet filmed himself setting the chocolate alight declaring:

“I’d rather bite into asbestos, this is horrible. No human should ever have to endure the pain of eating these.”

He’s A Monster!

But this stunt has not won Bouchet many fans with comments describing him as a “monster”.

“Noooo!!! I can’t support this at all! Its nearly a crime to waste all that beautiful chocolate,” read one comment.

“This has caused me so much pain,” said another.


Others were shocked about the wastefulness of his actions:

“You could’ve donated that $16,000 to the charity.. just sayin’,” commented one.

Thumbs Up

However, some fans were surprisingly supportive of this brutal gesture.

“To be fair. It’s super overrated and I’m pretty sure full of msg,” said one.

“hahahahaha the best you ever done it!,” said another, who clearly shared Bouchet’s somewhat warped sense of humour.

Bouchet isn’t fazed by the debate saying:

“I’m sure there’ll be some outrage, but it’s important to know I did this to protect people’s tastebuds. You may be angry with me but know that my motivations were good and honourable.”

Remember That Pegs On Or Off Debate?

Bouchet is no stranger to controversy, recently getting into a good old argument with his wife whether to leave pegs on or off the washing line.

We completely get that some Caramilk connoisseurs are disappointed in the newly relaunched chocolate, but we’re not sure if this is a good enough reason to burn it to ashes?

Do you think Bouchet went too far in his stunt or do you see the funny side of it? Tell us in the comments below.

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  • It got him the publicity he was after


  • Complete and utter waste of chocolate and money.
    Caramilk is a novelty for most. I can take it or leave it. Honestly prefer marble over all of them.


  • It tastes like white chocolate mostly and plus it’s not like Cadbury is the only brand that makes these. Whittakers also makes this flavour and it’s basically the same thing


  • I don’t really like it. Everyone is different


  • I think that is just silly. But each to their own I guess.


  • Definitely an overrated product but I don’t think it should have been burnt, each to their own


  • How bizarre. To waste all that money buying the product just to destroy it. Strange.


  • Such a waste. More money then sense as my mum would always say


  • I have never tried this Caramilk chocolate is it that good


  • Just a waste


  • Why, that’s just crazy and a waste.


  • Make sure test the new product before buy.


  • Caramel is basically just cooked sugar. It is nothing special. At least it’s not sold as salted caramel as far as I know. A publicity stunt which will have mixed reactions. It probably contributed to air pollution and the heat most likely scorched the lawn too.


  • This is a Pointless gesture. Who’s really going to let it affect their behaviour?


  • Who would seriously pay $1,000 for a block of chocolate? Great, you don’t like it but really, does anyone care? Not really. Not worth the hype that this post is receiving.


  • I just don’t understand why people feel they need to make ‘huge’ statements about ‘their opinions.’ Ok, so you don’t like the chocolate.. don’t purchase it then and let those who like it purchase it. I’m not the biggest fan but my husband loves it and every supermarket we’ve been to has not had any.. maybe because everyones burning it???


  • It’s not $16,000 of chocolate as no one in their right mind would by a bar for $1,000 when they are $2.50 in the supermarket. So he has wasted 16 x $2.5 = $40. Should have donated as food bank says $1 will feed 2 children meals for a day so that $40 could have brought meals for 80 Australian hungry kids.


  • I don’t agree with what he did but I do find the taste is slot different to the previous launch.


  • Instead of wasting the product he should have recycled. The things some people do. Also why would he pay that much money then burn it.


  • Noooo – not a nice thing to do. please stop wasting things.


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