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We all know the next bit………..


“Clap your hands”!


My daughter loves nursery rhymes, I am sure all 2 year olds do! However they are also a great way to make her HAPPY again if a tantrum erupts, she falls over or if she is just plain grumpy!





I don’t think my hubby or I thought we would ever have to sing so many renditions of ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ whilst driving in the car! The Wheels on the Bus is a favourite too, in order to keep the peace whilst we are getting from A to B!


Miss Z’s day care have definitely instilled this love of music in her. It is a daily activity in the toddler room!


Thinking about it, there are some great Nursery Rhymes out there which are FUN!


Here is Miss Z’s all-time favourite, plus it has actions!


Open Shut Them


Open, shut them, (open your hands up and then make a fist)

Open, shut them,

Give a little clap!


Open, shut them,

Open, shut them,

Lay them in your lap!


Creep them, creep them, (walk your fingers from your tummy to your chin)

Creep them, creep them,

Right up to your chin,


Open wide your little mouth……

But do not let them in! (quickly hide your hands behind your back)


Shake them, shake them,

Shake them, shake them,

Shake them just like this!


Roll them, roll them,

Roll them , roll them,

Blow a little kiss…..mwah!


I remember this song from my childhood.


When I was in Kindergarten, our school principal used to come and sing this song with us. When he got to the “But do not let them in…” part his fingers would ALWAYS get caught in his mouth! It was a very funny sight for a 5 year old!


Music and songs can often bring back memories, just like a certain smell or a taste.


I am hoping when our kids are older and they hear ‘Old MacDonald Had A Farm’ they will think of their daddy singing “a moo moo here, a moo moo there” whilst dancing around pretending to be a cow! 🙂


What Nursery Rhymes do your kids love? Do you have ones that are not mainstream you would like to share with the MoM community?


Let’s get singing!


Jodi is a happily married mum of two (Zara and Max), currently she is taking some time out from her role as a Marketing professional.  Blogging has been a keen interest so she has decided to pursue this whilst on maternity leave, so the blog Mummyhood101 has been set up.  Check it out here:  http://mummyhood101.com






  • Nursery rhymes are such a great way to interact with children!


  • I love nursery rhymes. Playschool is great for nursery rhymes, accompanied with silly dances. So much fun


  • oh these do give me memories of playschool lol


  • At the age of 4.5 my little preschoolers sing the wheels on the bus complete with hand gestures on their way to preschool. They’ve always loved singing, no matter what it is, they giggle and laugh and enjoy, hopefully learn something along the way.


  • oow I forgot that one will give it a wirl tomorrow


  • We just liked all the traditional ones. Now I have the Wheels on the Bus stuck inside my head.


  • my kids love rhymes we use to listen open shut them for a long time. we still listen to if you are happy and u know it.but somehow forgot that rhyme. want to listen to it now…its my fave too, so soft and i love it when they say “blow a little kiss”


  • We love galump went the little green frog in our house 😀


  • Love to sing, makes our house happier!


  • Nothing like breaking out into a song when you’re happy!


  • One thing I have found amazing about motherhood is how many nursery rhymes and songs from my childhood I have forgotten the words to. Makes me feel quite inadequate at times.


  • Heehee I often wonder what my little boy will think when he is older as we often break out into song to divert his attention


  • thank you for sharing, my daughter love it too


  • Great read, thanks for sharing


  • I loved to sing to my daughter when she was little


  • Music and rhymes are great ways for children to learn.


  • never heard of this rhyme!


  • Thanks for sharing. Great article. I enjoyed reading it.


  • love that you get into it as a family and you are creating precious memories for your little one


  • What a great read and my daughter loves that song too 🙂


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