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A man has been charged with raping children as young as five years old at his wife’s family day care centre.

The Brisbane man aged in his 50s allegedly raped a five-year-old girl and sexually assaulted a six-year-old girl at his family home in Brisbane.

The man’s wife runs a day care centre at the family home where the children were allegedly sexually assaulted, Yahoo!7 reported.

One of the girls’ mothers said she was horrified because the centre she entrusted with her child was subcontracted by a state-wide day care operator.

The mother also said the alleged rapist told the children they were to keep the alleged sexual abuse a secret.

‘I feel sick in the stomach,’ she told 7 News.

‘Parents put their trust in these family day care schemes.

‘To trust that their child will be safe and unharmed for the time that they are in care, and that didn’t happen with my child.’

The accused predator held a Blue Card, which meant he was screened by the Queensland monitoring system and deemed safe to work with children.

The home day care centre has now been shut down and the man is due to face court later this week charged with indecent dealing with children.

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  • The problem is until a complaint is lodged about a person there is no record at all. No record to screen. I ‘m not sure if shows until the case goes to court or prior.
    How do you who you can trust these days? You may know a person but not what they are illegally capable of.


  • This is a dreadful to have happened. Hope he is put away with no further access to young children.


  • My little one is in childcare for a couple of days a week. This is sickening beyond words, no innocent child deserves this mistreatment. I hope the pr$#@ is locked up for life!


  • Spew. Vomit. This makes me physically sick. I never used Child Care but this is most disturbing for all those families that have to.


  • How awful! It makes me sick to my stomach! I’m glad that my family day care provider is my husband’s aunt. She may be a little ditsy and strange at times but at least I know my kids are safe!


  • I remember reading about a nearly exactly the same story on MoMs a little while ago. A horrible thing to think you’ve left your kids with trusted people and thus happens. It’s not just day care centres


  • Horrific and let’s hope the law punishes him to it’s full capacity and I hope the children received all of the care and support they will need.


  • cannot believe how often these kinds of stories pop up! Screening people isnt enough 🙁


  • How sickening indeed !
    I hope this man will be put in jail for a serious amount of time and that he may come to realize how damaging his crime was to the children and their families and that the heaviness of his crimes will be as a burden on his shoulders.


  • This man should rot in jail – where was his wife when he was doing these heinous things. Seems the screening system has move up a notch or two.




  • This is so sickening. Where was his wife when this was happening. I hope these sweet little girls will be okay. My heart goes out to their parents too.


  • the problem with the blue card or in victoria the working with childrens check is that they only show up if the person has been caught, great for weeding out those animals but it doesn’t show who might do it in the future. This thing need to be locked up in general peopulation with the other inmates knowing why he is there, unless he was employed as part off the staff he should never have been left alone with the children!!


  • This is one of my main concerns with using a family day care. I know of lots of people who use them and there aren’t any issues. Hope he rots in jail.


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