

Keeping active can be a great way of helping to manage depression, anxiety and stress

Clients often say to me that coming to my classes and more recently through Mummy Bootcamp @ Home, has helped them manage or beat their depression as well as helping them with their stress levels and anxiety.

There has been a fair bit of research on this topic:

  • Regular physical activity significantly reduces the risk of people developing depression. And people who don’t take part in physical activity are more likely to have depression symptoms compared to those who do.
  • Regular aerobic and strength-training activities of light or moderate intensity can result in up to a 50 per cent reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety, especially for women and older people.

Exercising can help to :

  • Lift your mood
  • Get a better night sleep
  • Give you more energy and feel less tired
  • Give you more of a positive frame of mind and distract you from any worries, negative thoughts you might have
  • increase your social contact with others

How does it help?

  • It pumps up your endorphins – the feel good hormones – Exercise helps to increase the production of your brains ‘feel good’ neurotransmitters, also known as endorphins. It has also been called ‘runners high’! But any exercise, swimming, hiking, playing a game of basketball will give you a similar effect.
  • Exercise can decrease the stress hormone ‘cortisol’
  • Have you ever tried boxing? It is a great way to get rid of your frustrations – it’s a great way to release any negative emotions in a positive, strengthening way while increasing your health & fitness
  • Meditation while on the move – after exercising you may find that you have forgotten what causes your stress, or what has been annoying you. With this, you may find that you can focus easier on tasks, giving you more energy and optimism, help you remain calm and clear about the things you do. It’s a great way to clear your mind, especially when exercising outdoors – usually low stress places – park, beach, mountains etc
  • Your mood will improve – it can increase the confidence you have in yourself and lower the symptoms associated with mild depression and anxiety. As mentioned above it can also help with improving your sleep.
  • It will help you lose weight, tone up and feel great about yourself. With this effect you will become more confident – a great stress reliever for anyone that is concerned with their appearance.
  • Research  as also suggested that those who get more exercise may become less affected by stress. So exercise may supply some immunity towards future stress as well as dealing with current stress. What a great way to get moving!
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  • This is mostly common sense but thanks for the reminder.


  • I’ve heard this and I do agree. I also think it aids in taking time out for yourself, a walk is exercise that provides fresh air and can clear your head.


  • Think physical activity can sure be of great help to reduce stress, depression and anxiety.


  • Unfortunately I have a lot of health issues which make it difficult for me to exercise. I try to keep my mind occupied instead. These are great points though


  • Thanks for sharing these tips. Generally keeping busy every day doesn’t let depression sneak up on you as you are too busy to give it time.


  • I agree that exercise is a great way to support ourselves and our bodies in our daily lives. I know that when I make the time to do even some gentle exercises I feel better. I’ve also found that the quality I bring to exercise is really important, and to be aware if I am pushing my body too hard, or feeling if it can do a bit more. I’ve found the connection to what’s happening in my body while I’m exercising one of the greatest benefits.

    I’ve also found the practice of gentle exercise to be very supportive in my daily life so I felt to share a bit more about this as often the thought of exercise as hard work is enough to stop us.



  • thanks for sharing these tips


  • I truly wish I could exercise as I have health issues that stop me from doing this even if I walk a little bit I get so tired and this makes me so angry


  • wonderful advice. I will try to incorporate more exercise and want to start meditation, these would help enormously I believe. thanks for sharing.


  • That is so true exercise is great for depression and stress of even just to clear your head . And also a great way to keep active get a good boost of vitamin k and improve you beautiful hair.


  • Thank you for your advice. I’m finding my walking and spending a bit of time in fresh air and sunshine keep me in a good place : )


  • Good advice. I do still get stressed but love doing my excercise especially when it is done. ha ha


  • I do a mum’s & bubs exercise program & I still have depression.
    And that’s because I have no true friends, friends who make time in there busy lives to actually see me or speak to me.
    All the mum’s after the the fitness class go off & have coffee but no one invites me & I have no one else there so my daughter & I just go home.
    We drive 40kms to see our so called friends & then all of them can’t make it all of a sudden. I now just say at home as I was so sick of getting hurt by these people no involving me in there gatherings or standing me up all the time. In a whole week I can have no one text/message me, not one person speak one word to me.
    Exercise only takes your mind off of your emotions, deep down it is people who are the real power to fixing others depression. Being there for that someone not letting them sit alone for weeks wondering who is fake & who is real.

    • I agree but stay positive for your daughter true friends will reveal themselves


  • Just remember to never NEVER be ashamed to admit u r not coping. seek help.before it gets worse. u are never alone. xo


  • It’s amazing what exercising the body can actually do for the mind!


  • Great advice, well worth reading


  • I have never been able to shift depression, I have had it all my life and it only seems to be getting worse


  • I know when I don’t exercise I feel ‘a bit down’.


  • an interesting read, my dr told me that exercise can help with depression


  • of course when you are stressed or depressed socializing is the last thing that you want to do but it really does help as it gives a good dose of reality


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