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Megan Gale has spoken out for the first time about her heartbreak over suffering a miscarriage.

The 41-year-old, who is already mum to two-year-old River with 28-year-old partner Shaun Hampson, shared her experience openly with InStyle Australia.

‘About 10 days out from my eight-week scan, I just felt in my bones something wasn’t right,’ Megan said.

“I can’t put my finger on it—there was no physical change or a sign or symptom…[I wondered] if I was being overprotective and paranoid, or if something was wrong.”

She recalls feeling “nervous and horrible” on the morning of her next scan, but “I just wanted to go and see that bub was okay.”

She remembers, “I hopped up on the table and [my obstetrician] put the ultrasound on my tummy. He just kept moving it and not saying anything and I started to feel sick.” After also completing an internal ultrasound, her specialist broke the news. “He was quiet, and then he just said, ‘I’m so sorry, it’s gone.’ ”

‘As hard as it is to open up about something so heartbreaking, I’ve done so in the hope we can all exercise a bit more sensitivity and consideration and awareness.’

She shared news of her miscarriage last May but had not gone into detail until now about the heartbreaking experience.

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  • miscarriage nearly destroyed me, my heart breaks for anyone that loses a child


  • Some people mean well but not the consequences of their comments. I know one lady who had a combination 3 misscarriages and stillborn babies. Their 4th baby was premature and was almost ready to go home when she caught a virus in the nursery. She wasn’t strong enough to fight it and passed away within a few hours. Stronger babies were very ill from it but managed to fight it off with antibiotics. The hospital thinks a person visiting a baby spread the virus. None of the staff had it at all.


  • Dealing with a miscarriage can at times be made worse by well meaning people saying foolish things.
    “At least you are young enough to try again”
    “Its good that you already have kids”

    Weird that people say things like that about a miscarriage …I think some people just dont understand that even though you never got to hold this baby you still loved it with all your heart and soul.

    • Exactly – another child does not replace the one that was loved and lost.


  • Losing a child at any stage or age is the hardest thing for any parent to endure. It breaks something deep inside of you 🙁


  • Miscarriage is one of the most difficult and heartbreaking experiences for a person and a family to endure. It stays with you forever. Reading about others and sharing their experience does help a little with healing.


  • Sorry to hear of your loss Megan !! Miscarriage is a heartbreaking experience indeed. Take care of yourself and the time to grieve.


  • I fill sorry about you my dear god bless you


  • Sorry for your heartbreak, Megan. You will never forget the little one who didn’t make it.


  • I just can’t imagine what that would feel like. I know I loved both my bubs from the minute I knew they were inside of me so having a miscarriage would be so heartbreaking.


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