
March 27, 2023


Wondering what might be coming up for your little star child in April? We’re casting our eyes to the stars for guidance with Mouths of Mums Astrologer Kim Tennant, to help you prepare for what’s in store over the next four weeks of parenting.

April looks to be a busy month across each of the signs of the zodiac, with young Virgo children looking to establish deep connections, while spending time with the family pet is important for little Scorpios.

And if you want to know what’s in store for YOU in April, head to MoMstrology: Your Mum Horoscope For April 2023.

Astrology Signs

The first few weeks of April sees your little Aries in the spotlight. Vitality should be high during this time.

The Libra Full Moon on April 6th may bring a few issues regarding close friends. When the Sun changes sign on April 20th, take some time to boost your Aries child’s self worth. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries on the same day is the perfect time to introduce positive affirmations as a regular practice. Mars, the ruling planet of your Aries child, remains in Cancer this month, highlighting the importance of family.


Astrology Signs

April starts off quietly for your little Taurus. Don’t be surprised if some time alone is needed.

The Libra Full Moon on April 6th highlights your Taurus child’s health. When the Sun changes sign into Taurus on April 20th, vitality increases and your Taurus child is ready to shine. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on the same day may bring some emotional overwhelm. Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, moves into Gemini on April 11th, bringing a strong need for your child to communicate their thoughts and ideas.

Astrology Signs

Friendships will be highlighted for your Gemini child this month. It’s also a great time for your little Gemini to express their hopes and dreams.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th shines a light on fun times, so encourage lots of play during this time. When the Sun changes sign towards the end of the month, your little Gemini may enjoy some quiet time. Music may be especially enjoyed. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on April 20th is a great time to teach your Gemini child to quiet his/her mind through music, meditation, walks in nature etc. You may find the theme of slowing down continues for your Gemini child, when Mercury goes retrograde on April 21st.


Astrology Signs
A parent will be especially important to your little Cancer during most of April.

For older children, goal setting may also become a focus. As the month progresses, friends will play an increasing role. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th will see your little Cancer’s sensitivity at a peak. Home and family will be highlighted. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries on April 20th is a great time for your Cancer child to dream of things to come. The eclipse this month helps your Cancer child to step into their power this month.

Astrology Signs

Your Leo child’s beliefs and morals will be a focus in some way this month.

They may also become interested in other cultures or countries. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th highlights communication. Sibling relationships may also be in the limelight The Aries New Moon Eclipse on April 20th brings an opportunity for little Leo’s to learn something new. Introduce your Leo child to new cultures and countries. The Solar Eclipse this month may unsettle your little Leo for a period of time. Reassurance may be needed.


Astrology Signs

April will see your little Virgo establishing deep connections.

They may also develop an interest in puzzles and mysteries. The Libra Full Moon on the 6th will highlight your Virgo child’s self worth and pocket money. When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th, a new cycle of learning may begin.

The New Moon Eclipse in Aries on the same day, may bring up some deep emotions for your little Virgo. Encourage this release and provide the support they need. With Mercury turning retrograde towards the end of the month, you may find your Virgo child going back over areas of learning that were previously introduced.

Astrology Signs

Relationships are highlighted for most of the month for your Libran child.

Best friends will be important. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th brings the opportunity for your little Libra to shine. When the Sun moves into Taurus, the focus will be on close connections with others. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries on April 20th offers a second opportunity to make wishes for a best friend. Venus, the ruler of your Libran child, brings an even stronger need for connection and conversation.


Astrology Signs

Helping out is the focus for your little Scorpio this April. Spending time with the family pet will also be important.

Your little Scorpio’s health may be vulnerable for the first few weeks of April, so make sure they don’t get run down. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th may see your Scorpio child more emotional than usual. For a short period, they may feel the need to withdraw. When the Sun changes sign on April 20th, the focus shifts to a best friend. The Aries New Moon Eclipse is the perfect time to follow up on any routines introduced last month. Homelife may seem unsettled for your Scorpio child this month.


Astrology Signs

April brings a focus on fun times for your little Sagittarius. Encourage they to play!

The Libra Full Moon on April 6th highlights a new leisure activity or sport. When the Sun moves into the sign of Taurus on April 20th, a family pet becomes a focus. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on the same day continues to support your little Sagittarius with new ways of self-expression. Jupiter, ruler of your Sagittarius child, continues to bring good fortune and healing energy this month.

Astrology Signs
Home and family are very important to your little Capricorn during the month of April.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 6th highlights parental relationships. When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th, your Capricorn child may develop a competitive streak. The New Moon Eclipse in Aries on the same day is a great time to continue any redecorating you started last month in your Capricorn child’s room. Emotions continue to be highlighted this month with Saturn (your child’s ruler) in Pisces.


Astrology Signs

Communication is very important to your little Aquarian this month.

Siblings are also highlighted. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th highlights new ways of learning. This will most likely be an enjoyable interest, especially if the area of science is introduced. When the Sun changes sign on April 20th, your Aquarius child may start to focus on their home life. Use the energy of the Aries New Moon Eclipse to start a project with your little Aquarius to do with family. Uranus, your Aquarius child’s ruling planet, may bring inspirational ideas this month. Make sure you listen to what your child comes up with.


Astrology Signs

April is the time of year when your little Pisces’ self-esteem is a focus.

Take the time to give your Pisces child an emotional boost. Be extra kind and understanding. The Libra Full Moon on April 6th brings a period of extreme emotional sensitivity. When the Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th, work with your Pisces child on their communication skills. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on the same day delivers a second chance to introduce the concept of pocket money. With both rulers spending time alone in the sky, April may be a month where your Pisces child feels disconnected from others.

Astrology Kim Tennant

“Throughout my life I have always been fascinated by the stars. I had my first astrology reading in my 20s and couldn’t believe that a stranger could know me so well. I studied under several astrologers and started consulting when my children were very young. I used astrology to parent my own children (and still do, despite the fact that they are now adults). I have done many children’s charts over the years, helping parents to understand their children. Astrology can put you in touch with yourself. If we all took the time to understand ourselves and others, the world would be a much better place.”

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  • another interesting read – one for the little ones


  • Always interesting to read horoscopes even if they are very general.


  • Mu libra daughter is talking about her “best friends” so this seems to ring true


  • I love reading horoscopes for myself and my family. Will definitely keep across Aries for my son.


  • Very interesting how my 2 older kids horoscopes mention their health at the same time during April since they always get sick at the same time. Great…. Sick again. >.<


  • These horoscopes are great! My kids are always wanting to read their horoscopes and these are just brilliant for them.


  • I’m not really interested in Astrology


  • I have a leo and a piscies so April will be an interesting month with my birthday being on April 6


  • I’ve got a scorpio and a Libra :) I can’t wait to see what April brings for them.


  • My little Leo!


  • A family pet?


  • I really enjoying reading these. I am a bit skeptic but always a nice read.


  • Always amusing to read – thank you.


  • Time will tell if there’s anything in it.


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