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A reminder of the dangers that lurk inside your pram on a hot Summer’s day.



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A timely reminder has been doing the rounds of the internet lately and even though many parents say it’s common knowledge, I think if just one parent learns from the message it’s worth a share.

I know I have been guilty of doing it myself. When trying to keep the sun off the baby. You grab a blanket, muslin wrap or the next best thing and toss it over the pram.

But a Swedish paediatrician Svante Norgren told local press: “It gets extremely hot down in the pram, something like a thermos. There is also bad circulation of the air and it is hard to see the baby with a cover over the pram.”

“It would quickly become uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for the child… if a child gets too hot then the child may think that it is back in the womb, which is why breathing may stop,” he says.

SIDS and Kids’ Jill Green says overheating isn’t the only risk.

“If the little one can grab onto that blanket, muslin, whatever and pull it over their head and face, we’ve got a bigger issue,” Ms Green tells Babyology.

“Can you see where your baby’s face and head are? Can you see that they haven’t rolled over into the edge of the pram and therefore squashed their little faces up against the side. We need to be able to see our little ones and know that they’re ok.”

Supervision is the key! Be aware of any toys, or extras you may have strapped to the pram.  Always check things are attached securely and out of little fingers reach.

Well worth sharing in my opinion. Even in Winter I remember getting caught with a rain shield over the pram and my poor bubba getting rather hot.  Never again!

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  • I am grateful you brought this issue up. I have only ever done it in Winter to keep the cold wind and possible rain off our little one. I think you should be able to buy prper shades that fit all strollers but because of the different shapes of them you can’t do that. Oh for the days of mosquito nets! ! They filter the sun a bit and prevent biting insects. You don’t need to be near water to be attacked by mozzies.


  • its amazing some things we do that you just dont realize what could happen in the long run, thank god im a what if person haha


  • These are common practices indeed, good to bring this under attention !


  • Top read. I think most mums are guilty of rugging up their new bundles of joy


  • This article should be read by every one out there


  • well kind of obvious that it would get hot if the air is blocked but this is such a common thing that people do.


  • Good advice and tip for everyone with bubs.


  • A very important article to read, in particular now that it’s getting hot.


  • I see so many mothers doing this & get quite worried. Even My husband was doing it until I explained to him putting a cover completely over the opening of our pram on hot days is like being in a tent on a hot day. You just cannot be in it. We now still cover her but keep a large opening at the top of the cover and hence we can still see her and she is well ventilated. Our pram hood also opens both ways so we can ventilate from the back as well.


  • I’ve thrown light muslin over pram to stop sun hitting bubs fave but one time he got really hot so I advise purchasing a proper pram shade cloth which had small micro holes to allow for circulation. Even with them you still need to be careful.


  • Great reminder – even though mine is well past this stage. We were at the zoo yesterday, and the number of people that use prams with littilies in as dumping grounds is astounding. Also concerning is the number of prams that are overloaded and tip back with baby inside – such great potential for injury.


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