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Mum reveals the heartache of suffering both a miscarriage and an abortion in one year.

In an emotional statement to Courier Mail, Kayla Boyd, 29, wife of Broncos star Darius Boyd, said she felt “lost” and “confused” when she fell pregnant four months after having miscarried her second child in April – a week after her grandmother’s death.

She told The Courier-Mail she feared suffering a second miscarriage when she discovered she had fallen pregnant again in early August. So she terminated her pregnancy two days later.

“That’s why I reacted so quickly in needing to make that decision. I didn’t want to get attached to the fact that I could have another baby and then I could miscarry again,” she said.

“I felt like that’s what I had to do. The first time (I was pregnant) I didn’t feel lost, I didn’t feel scared or confused and I really felt that way this time.”

“After talking to Darius about it and with everything we had going on that year…our life was so full on and crazy and it would have affected our marriage; it would have been very stressful and hard.”

Discovering she was 4 weeks pregnant in April had been a silver lining for Boyd while grieving her grandmother, whom her mother had spent five months caring for in Samoa.

“It was nice, positive news. You get emotionally attached and you start picking out names,” she said.

But in a heartbreaking turn of events she was told in a Brisbane emergency room she would have to allow her body to miscarry naturally, which she did as she travelled to Samoa with Darius and Willow to attend her grandmother’s funeral.

“We went to her funeral and at the same time I was miscarrying and I think that’s why it was so much harder emotionally.”

“I didn’t deal with it very well at the time. Instead of being upset, I’m the kind of person who has to keep myself busy and so that’s what I did.”

She had also suffered from Hyperemesis during her pregnancy with daughter Willow who turned 1 in September.

She admitted to suffering severe self-doubt when she fell pregnant in August, writing to her website “All I kept thinking was if I had to endure that again along with all of the above I would go crazy.”

She said she hoped to move forward from her experiences last year and provide comfort for women with similar experiences.

On whether she was concerned about public reaction, Boyd said: “Every time I write something I do think and I worry about how it’s going to be received… but I think surely nothing can be as bad as what I’ve already had to deal with. If anyone wants to have a negative opinion, that’s their opinion and we are all entitled to them.”

They couple still hoped to have three children and would look to try again in a year’s time.

Kayla is very brave for sharing her story, we do hope that it may help another mum who feels like she is suffering alone in silence.


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Image via Courier Mail

  • I hope it all turns out well for them both.


  • The main this is they are happy with the decisions they made. The fact there was a problem with her second pregnancy it may have in fact have been a wise decision. We are not told if it was discussed with a medical professional before the decision was made.


  • Kind of doesn’t make sense. They’re devastated at losing a baby to miscarriage, then voluntarily destroy another pregnancy. I hope she knew what she was doing

    • Those are my thoughts, too…
      I have had 2 miscarriages, and 4 babies. One miscarriage was only two weeks prior to conceiving again, and yes, when i found out I was expecting again so soon, I was terrified…
      I also bled throughout the first trimester with 3 of my babies, and it was very scary, i even had counselling to help me deal with things…
      But I now have 4 beautiful children, including 2 rainbow babies, one of whom, at least, wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t had a miscarriage…
      What I personally couldn’t have dealt with, was allowing my fears to end one of my precious pregnancies…
      Every time I look at my other children, I would have remembered what I had given up on…


  • Poor lady. Hope she and her husband are getting some councilling to help them through it all.


  • Kayla made the best decision for her and her family! I hope mentally all is going a lot better for her! It is hard when we as mothers have this unique way of trying to juggle the world and allow it not to see we are in emotional turmoil or to not allow ourselves to believe that if we identify the turmoil at the time we will not fall to bits!
    Kayla is a strong women for making the hard but logic in her case decision and her partner to back her makes it even more courageous!


  • A very hard decision. But a good decision if she didn’t feel ready at that time.


  • Wishing Kayla all the best for the future and she had to do what was right for her.


  • Brave from Katla to share her heart brokenness, for whuch she mught find understanding from some and misunderstanding from others. Bless you Kayla, I hope you’re ready the next time you’re pregnant to proceed !


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