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Warning over the dangers of air loungers following two separate viral posts of near drownings.

Australian mum, Anthea Chester, has taken to Facebook to warn other parents of the dangers of Air Loungers, after her daughter almost drowned while using the popular blow-up chair.

My 12 year old daughter Hollie was using her “Air Lounger” Christmas present on Christmas day whilst in the pool,” the Victorian mum wrote.

“The coloured lining split WITHOUT WARNING, engulfing her body whilst the blow up part shot upwards, pushing her under the water.
She was left engulfed by the fabric which was clinging to her face and entire body like shrink wrap. She had no idea which way was up or down, or where the edge of the pool was.

All I can say was thank God I was watching her at the time and was able to untangle her before she drowned.”

And for those making fun of me & posting about any lack of common sense or stupidity on my part for letting the kids use them in water you might want to consider this:
1. There were no warnings not to use in water on the website.
2. The guy that was doing a demo at the Show openly told me they were fine for use in water
3. There’s ads for them everywhere showing them used in water

…..so perhaps that might help you understand my “lack of common sense” or “stupidity”

If this post prevents even one possible tragedy then it’s been worth posting it!
I’m sharing my experience so others can make an informed decision about how they use them….no more, no less!
I will not be using these anywhere near water again!!!!!”

Her post has been shared over 10K times.

Another viral Facebook post, shared on the 27th December, shows the shocking results of an air lounge gone wrong.

Julie Kosy also shared a confronting image of her father moments after his air lounger split on Christmas Day.

“Do NOT use on water!! My Dad almost drowned on Christmas Day with our new Now Lounger. It turned inside out, then flipped, encasing him face down in the pool totally wrapped in liner and suffocating. Several seconds after this picture was taken he was thrashing about fighting for air. It was absolutely terrifying. I purchased 4 of these online through a Facebook ad as Christmas presents and they all came in bags with no boxes or instructions/warnings. The Now Lounger website and Facebook page both feature customers using these on water – both pool and ocean.”

Her post has been shared over 18K times.

Please help spread the word. You may just save a life.

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  • I saw this on a late night infomercial and thought that I’d purchase one..glad I decided against it!


  • Oh my goodness, that is such a worry.


  • I have seen many stories about these types of products. We were just on holiday on the Gold Coast and they were being used everywhere. Not one of them was in use in the water though. I had not considered them for that purpose.


  • Has this been reports to the ACCC.? That is the frist plasce it should have been reported to.
    They can force a product recall if the source can be traced. At least they can release a media statement advising their use. If they are plastic I would be concerned about the sun damage to them.


  • my kids got these for christmas. we will now not be using them.


  • That would be an absolutely horrifying experience, to be wrapped up in plastic and drown. I hope the manufacturers make people aware of the dangers of using these in water


  • I was going to say you should never use them in the water (meaning in the open water) because I thought she was being taken out by the current. I would have thought they could be used in the pool though. Surely the people who were selling them would have known if there was a danger. Just goes to show that it always pays to be vigilant. So glad you were there to save your daughter or it could have been a very different outcome.


  • How scary ! Thank God you watched your girl, hope other parents watch their kids as well !!


  • Good on you for watching and supervising your daughter – a scary experience.


  • Thank God Anthea your daughter is safe and well. I have always thought they looked dangerous. If they can do that in water what’s to say that they can’t do that on dry land and still suffocate the person using it.
    Also to you Judy, I am so glad your father is alright as well. It sounds dodgy not having any instructions or warnings. It’s good that the two of you have warned others about the product. I hope that notice will be taken and that the manufacturers will be held accountable. I hope that there are no further incidents to others. Thanks for the warning.


  • Thank you for the warning. Water safety can never be emphasised enough.


  • I was watching an ad for these things on TV and said to my husband – they don’t look at all safe or even comfortable. Can see a few accidents happening with them. Seems I was right.

    • I thought exactly the same thing and said it too my daughter. Too me they are like a giant balloon that is just waiting to pop or engulf you in some way. They just looked like a nightmare.


  • A timely warning to those that thought they could use them in the water. Have not seen any ads for them in water and would never had thought to use it in the water. Ours are only used on dry land.


  • Oh no how scary! I’m so glad the little girl is alright! Lucky mum was watching!


  • Incredible. Luckily indeed that the mother was watching.
    I’ve seen different advertisements showing that air lounger in the water. Something that needs to be avoided completely!!


  • i would have been worried about falling through the middle seam


  • Glad to hear of the warning,you just don’t know if it will happen to your family.


  • How terrifying I’m so glad these people ended up ok


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