

If you’ve been searching for the perfect Christmas present for your bestie, look no further. The super popular Australian Firefighters Calendars have been released for 2024 and suddenly it’s getting hot in here.

Now in its 31st year of production, the Australian Firefighters Calendar is pretty much the most popular calendar in the world. And rightly so.

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Not only does it mean that every month we get to bask in the glory of the nation’s firefighting heroes, but we can feel all warm and fuzzy because it’s all for charity. Since 1993 the calendar has donated an incredible $3.4 million to charities across Australia. From Australian Wildlife to Rural Firefighters and children with cancer, the donations have made a huge impact.

This year, more than 25 Aussie firefighters came together for a month-long photoshoot, to help create six different editions of the Australian Firefighters Calendar.

Here’s what you can get your hands on. So to speak.

2024 Firefighters Calendar ‘Classic Calendar’

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

For those who are all about the classic – 12 months of real Aussie firefighters just looking at you.

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2024 Firefighters Calendar ‘Dog Calendar’

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

Urgh … so much cute. For 12 whole months.

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2024 Mixed Animal & Firefighter Calendar

2024 Australian Firefighters

For those who love all animals great and small – this calendar features an alpaca, kelpie, a goat and a piglet. Oh, and some firefighters.

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2024 Firefighters Calendar ‘Cat Calendar’

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

So many one-liners. But I’ll behave. Cute kitties and firies. Enough said.

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2024 Firefighters Calendar ‘Horse Calendar’

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

No horsing around – this one is perfect for your thoroughbred loving gal pals.

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2024 Hero Firefighter Calendar

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

Just your traditional, run-of-the-mill, heroes. Sigh.

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And just because we know you want a little more, enjoy a few more snaps from the calendars, and don’t forget to buy yours – it’s for a great cause!!

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

2024 Australian Firefighters Calendar

Now go buy your calendar!

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For even more Aussie goodness this season, head over to our sister site and check out our favourite Australian Christmas Wreaths for the festive season!

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  • Ooh La La. I’m sure these will be a hit.


  • Great choice of calendars this year and worthy charities too.


  • These calendars are brilliant. What a great way to raise money.


  • Very good looking men. I’m sure many people will enjoy their calendars


  • A lot of people will enjoy these!


  • I feel like he is handsome. hence it looks amazing on him. but for me i would not spend this much for this simple things.


  • I used to buy my Mum a Fireman Calendar and since she has passed away I now buy my daughter one every year


  • Thank you! Just found the perfect gift for my best friend!!


  • I love these calendars and I know someone who will love this for Christmas.


  • This is the best charity gift ever. I get them every year.


  • Great idea for a worthy cause.


  • Wow these are very good looking photos!


  • A bit of fun with money going to charities. A good excuse to buy one for family or friends. Just not sure where they would hang it?


  • Not for me, or any of my friends, doesnt ring my bell at all but I’m sure the funds raised are put to great use.


  • Would it be wrong to buy one of each calendar for each room of my house…??? Lol


  • Those are very good photos!


  • Some very good looking guys there!


  • Haha, I have one very specific friend who would love this.


  • What is there not to enjoy.


  • I might have to add this to the Christmas list for…. Uh… A friend.


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