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When Miley Cyrus burst onto the scene as Disney princess Hannah Montana over a decade ago, we never could have imagined the path her life (or image) would take.

And we’re not entirely sure her mother Tish could either.


Miley hosted the MTV Video Music Awards today and her outfits have to be seen to be believed. From a high cut silver leotard to a see-through raincoat with strategically placed buttons, Miley isn’t afraid to flash some flesh.




The star even shared a naked selfie with her millions of Instagram followers before the event, which made us wonder how the girl who started out as a wholesome role model transformed into the racy, attention-seeking woman she is today?

And more so, what would a day in the life of her mum Tish be like?

What must it be like to wake up and see your daughter posting naked photos on social media and parading around wearing next-to-nothing in front of millions of people around the world?

Is it simply all part of Miley’s plan to stay relevant and popular? Or has she really lost her way?

While Miley insists that her family would prefer her to have her “t***s out and be a good person than have my shirt on and be a b**** ” as mothers, we’re not entirely sure how we would react if we were in Tish’s shoes.

What would you say to Miley if she was your daughter? SHARE WITH US in the comments below. 

Main image courtesy of Getty Images
  • I feel like perhaps she needed to make sure that she and we moved on from the Hannah Montana vision and started to take her more seriously as an adult artist. To do this I guess she had to shock people.
    I have 3 daughters and I would not be comfortable with one of my girls flashing this much of her body around. Ive always told my girls to stay classy and this sort of behaviour is just not classy.


  • I’m sorry but this is one young girl I can’t stand. She has huge problems. I think she is attention seeking and incredibly sad and insecure.


  • I would ask myself, what is it that we as her family have been living out, or our world view, which has hurt my daughter or made her so repulsive towards us, the environment she grew up in, to be acting this out in such a rebellious, disrespectful, shameless, selfcentred and prostitute-wise way, knowing this might hurt the feelings of her family or throw a bad light on us.


  • I’d tell her she’s getting attention for all the wrong reasons. People would have far more respect for her if she used her celebrity to help others.


  • Id be lost for words if she was my daughter


  • her behaviour and outfit choice are getting more ridiculous and inappropriate all the time! Her parents must be so proud!


  • I wonder why she feels the need to present herself like this.


  • before the event


  • This is why men have a derogatory opinion of ‘women’, it all starts with self respect, for goodness sake Miley can’t you see your behaviour puts all women at risk.


  • I cannot bear to see this young woman degrade herself so


  • well we can’t control what our children do when they grow up. Miley is in her early 20’s and is an adult now. I wouldn’t want my kids acting like her but i will be doing my job as a parent. What would shock me, is if she put clothes on…..


  • Proud mum … Hmmm not sure !!


  • I think this is just a job to Miley, a way to get media attention in an ever changing business. Does what she wear reflect who she really is on the inside? Definitely not! I don’t know her, i’m not defending her – i’m just not judging her for being extreme or controversial. The old saying – don’t judge a book by its cover – id imagine is pretty relevant to this young lady.


  • I love Miley, not sure I would cope to well if she were my daughter. She’s too talented to need to take her clothes off


  • I think her mum would have had a fit!


  • Cant say I would be proud of my daughter if she felt that she needed to be half naked or just naked in public all the time. I agree … Put some clothes on … You don’t need be like this to look sexy or grab attention.


  • I love my children but if I saw my kids flashing flesh like this, I’d have to intervene. Teenagers are immensely impressionable and I hope these displays don’t rub off on the next generation. I know she is an adult and can make her own choices, but I can’t see a reason for shock photos like these. I feel sorry for her parents facing the media attention for antics like this.


  • Put some clothes on. Less is more (regarding the flesh we need to see). It must take a lot of effort to try and shock people. Don’t. Have respect for yourself and others. Be a good role model.


  • I would tell her to put some clothes on, there is nothing exciting about seeing more of Mileys flesh anymore, she is simply trashy, A little bit of discretion goes a long way, she can dress in a provocative and sexy way and behave the same without looking like a tramp, I just think it is very sad that a young obviously intelligent young woman feels the need to show her body to extremes to get noticed.


  • Neither of my daughters would ever do this – she doesn’t do anything for womankind in her portrayals.


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