
May 27, 2020

36 Comment

Do you find that as winter approaches, everyone in your family starts to drink a little less?

If you answered yes, look no further than having a Zip HydroTap installed in your kitchen. With the convenience of boiled, chilled and sparkling water at the touch of a button, as well as being a wonderfully stylish addition to your kitchen, it will help make the season a breeze.

Here’s our 4 favourite ways to keep everyone happy and hydrated!

1. Use your Zip HydroTap to switch out sugary mixers for sparkling water.

Fresh Summer Berries in sparkling water from a Zip HydroTap

The wonderful thing about having a Zip HydroTap is the convenience of sparkling water at the touch of a button. So forget a sugary gin and tonic and go for a gin and sparkling instead; load it with wedges of lime and a drop of vanilla, or skip cranberry juice and add fresh berries to sparkling water.

If you can’t go cold turkey and lose the sugary mixers altogether, simply reduce the volume by half and top up with sparkling water from your Zip HydroTap at the touch of a button! Oh and don’t forget your wine spritzers too, they’re perfect to swap the soda for a little sparkling water!

You might like to try our Winter Wellness Citrus Spritzer.

2. Keep happy by lightening the carbohydrate load for everyone!

Noodles made out of zucchini with a spiraliser and a little boiling water

Don’t give in to heavy winter meals … piling in the carbs won’t make anyone happy in the long run! Invest in a spiralizer and stock up on fresh zucchinis. Spiralize a large bowl of zucchinis to create zoodles and just a minute or two before you are ready to serve, cover in boiling water straight from your Zip HydroTap. Allow them to sit for just under one minute then quickly drain and drizzle with a little olive oil and lemon juice.

If you can’t handle no spaghetti at all, don’t worry. Simply add your freshly blanched zoodles to al dente spaghetti and toss to combine, it’s the perfect way to add some extra veggies and lighten up on the carbs.

3. Make drinking water fun for everyone.

large jug and glasses filled with chilled and filtered water from a zip tap

There’s no denying that grabbing a glass of freshly filtered and chilled water is super easy with a Zip HydroTap. Leave some cups right beside your Zip HydroTap and give everyone a hydration challenge. 8 glasses each day and you all get to play a board game … or another incentive you know will have your family keeping track of their hydration throughout the day.

Go a little further and have some fun with handfuls of berries and some straws. Leave the jug on the bench and continue to fill throughout the day and then ensure the jug is topped up and fresh ready for family meals, so simple!

Give your family the Immunity Challenge this winter – whip up a jug of our Winter Wellness Citrus Spritzer.

If your Zip HydroTap isn’t right in the middle of the action, fill up a large decanter and spritz with citrus fruit or create a hydration station with various jugs, glasses and garnishes.
Don’t forget, hydration is vital all year round. Whether it’s summer, winter or in between, everyone needs constant reminders to stay well hydrated.

4. Choose simple salads for every meal.

brightly coloured cous cous salad made with boiling water from a zip tap

No matter what the weather is doing, go big on salads! Whether it’s lunch in a box for the office, a salad for the kids at school or dinner with friends, think fresh, light and tasty and dial up the salads.

Lots of salads, especially ‘Warm Salads’ call for couscous or vermicelli noodles. Cook either of these in a heartbeat with boiling water straight from your Zip HydroTap.

Forget creamy dressings and embrace vinaigrettes made with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice or apple cider vinegar mixed with a little olive oil, a half teaspoon of dijon mustard and a little salt and pepper.

Whenever you’re entertaining, it’s great to have a few favourites up your sleeve. Try our delicious Halloumi, Couscous and Fig Salad that we developed with the team at Zip Water. Guaranteed to keep everyone happy all year round.

So as you can see, there are so many ways to stay happy and hydrated with the Zip HydroTap. Are there any tips we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below.

We’ve developed this guide as part of our Close to Home Special Feature which is proudly brought to you by Zip Water. We love that you can have pure tasting, filtered boiling, chilled and sparkling water at the oh so convenient touch of a button. De-clutter your kitchen, add a whole lot of style and say goodbye to buying water in plastic bottles. Whatever the water requirements on your list are, there’s a Zip HydroTap that can deliver. Check out the full range at www.zipwater.com today and experience the Zip difference.

zip tap recipe warm halloumi couscous and fig salad zip tap close to home special feature zip tap healthy hacks to boost your immunity


  • We have a water machine and the kids have always helped themselves and are great water drinkers


  • Zip hydro tap
    A good novel idea to entice kids to drink more water as it’s quite challenging at time


  • These taps look and sound really great but are super expensive and not sure regarding upkeep, filters and maintenance. Nice recipes too.


  • I’d love a zip hydro tap.


  • Your recipes sound absolutely amazing, Will be trying a lot of them. Thanks so much for sharing.


  • We are building a new house in the next few months and I really want to out a Zip tap in my kitchen


  • Ive often wondered about these taps, but never got around


  • People need to realise that although big w is a large retailer that doesn’t mean they are going to be perfect. With all that’s going on right now toy shopping shouldn’t be something you’re complaining about. Maybe instead you should put your time and effort towards something that actually matters? Like the way that essential workers have been treated over the last few months not only by customers but by the government. Retail workers still had to work through everything that was going on and did they even get a thank you? Nope. No acknowledgement, no extra pay for being around customers who may have had covid, being abused for not having stock when it wasn’t their fault.

    At least you have somewhere to shop, think about that next time you decide that it’s ‘ridiculous’ that you can’t get a bloody barbie doll.


  • Certainly would make drinking water more exciting, especially for children


  • A little (lot) out of my league with those prices. Looks amazing and would be super convenient however we’ll be sticking to boiling the kettle and our soda stream


  • Wow. Just wow. I expected that the website would be overloaded by people trying to buy things. I expected that there would be a wait.
    Get over it, to all those “Karen’s” out there. Just because it was “online” doesn’t mean you won’t have to wait/same experience as if in store.


  • these look terrific


  • I like the simple salads.It can lift up every meal.


  • This is on my wishlist what a great way to have water literally on tap


  • Need some More information on these taps


  • These taps sound great! I much prefer filtered water.


  • These taps sound amazing! Will have to do some research into it for sure!


  • I wish I had the budget for one of these when we renovated our kitchen. We have one at work and they are AWESOME.


  • We\\\’re renovating at the moment and was only just checking these taps out this weekend at Harvey Norman! They\\\’re absolutely divine!


  • Wow this actually sounds really handy


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