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Jessica Simpson cops online abuse after posting a picture of her five-year-old daughter wearing make-up.

Jessica has two children with former American football star, Eric Johnson. She shared the image on her Instagram account of her shopping in MAC Cosmetics with her daughter, Maxwell.

Apparently MAC is Maxwell’s “favourite store”.

“Her favorite store?? OMG. She should be playing outside or learning about the world not sitting in a chair putting on make up at MAC. What’s wrong with you,” one person said.

“I think it’s crazy for a 5-year-old but that’s just my opinion,” another said.

The hate comments come just a few months after Jessica was criticised for posting a snap of Maxwell to her Instagram account wearing a mermaid bikini.

“Protect your children. This is not for social media,” one person said.

jesssica simpson

Roxy Jacenko is just one more of many high profile mums that have been slammed for oversharing her kids. Read more. 

Recently a Mum was investigated for human trafficking – after joking about selling her son on Twitter. Read here.

Do you think celebs overshare? Should they keep their kids out of the spotlight?

Share your comments below.

  • Considering the fact the media “scout” for chances to make headlines with photos they may not have been permission to take or release, people are making it too easy for the media to access from non-private computer sites, especially facebook.


  • Yep, it’s over sharing. I have more respect for the celebrities who keep their kids private until they’re old enough to make their own choices.


  • I really don’t care about celebrities, so I tend to ignore all this stuff.


  • Many children like to dress up and play with make up and many celebrities like to share photos of their families. My suggestion is scroll on if you do not like the photos. I imagine celebrities brace themselves for negative feedback.


  • I agree that there’s method in their madness. Now I don’t follow any celebs and don’t know how much they share on social media, but a bit of sharing is not wrong in my opinion.
    And yeah kids love make-up. When I was little and we didn’t have make-up, we used to make pencils wet and colour our eyes and lips with that 🙂


  • Celebs share on social media so they are not hunted down and stalked by paparazzi, there is method in their madness. Oh and kids love make up, let them experiment and get over it


  • For me she’s oversharing. She should be very careful about posting such images in social media.


  • I remember getting into my mums makeup in a big way around that age. Now I’m lucky to even get mascara on for date night. Even my son has had a play in my makeup drawer (well someone should). Its just play at that age. Who cares. I don’t think I’d post pics of kids in bikinis on a social media account though. Too many creeps out there to do that.


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