CategoryToddlers & Preschool
How do I get my 3 year old to stop refusing to use...
Potty refusals
10 AnswersWhat does Santa bring to your house?
I’m curious as to what most people tell their children. Being conscious of some children receiving a lot and others in families where...
31 AnswersTransitioning from Formula to Cows Milk
For those that have successfully transitioned from formula to cows milk, what are some tips? We have been trying for a month now...
11 AnswersTalking to child about death
My wonderful Dad is sadly in the final stages of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. I’ve tried explaining to my four year old son that...
7 AnswersAt what age did you introduce Elf on the Shelf?
At what age is it best to introduce the concept of Santa’s elves? Does anyone regret introducing Elf...
10 AnswersTreating Social anxiety & separation anxiety in th...
My three year old has lived the majority of her life in lockdown. She now has severe social...
11 AnswersBooks to help my 5 year old with her emotions regu...
I’m after some books to read with my 5 year old daughter to help with her emotional regulation....
19 AnswersChores for preschoolers
What chores do you have in place for your children particularly four year olds?. At the moment my son is just doing the...
11 AnswersWhat are your go to christmas present ideas?
With Christmas around the corner, I need some present ideas for my 15mnth old
18 AnswersNits advice please!
I would like some advice about products that work for eggs, nits and lice etc. My 3 year old is at daycare and...
12 AnswersAnyone have any simple baby led weaning informatio...
My little one has just started showing interest in solids. I have tried purée but she tends to...
7 AnswersHow do you know you’re done having kids?
My husband and I have two little ones and always said we just wanted two kids. We have been very fortunate to have...
40 AnswersBest trampoline brands and why?
Looking at getting a trampoline for my kids (1yo &3yo) and there are so many options! Does anyone have any recommendations and why? Thank...
4 AnswersFood option tips for a 3.5 year old who want try n...
I have a daughter who is 3.5 years old who won’t eat anything that isn’t white. She has...
4 AnswersMy toddler is on a meat and egg strike!
Does anyone have an suggestions on high iron foods they can share?
25 AnswersHome schooling
I have a son that is in prep and he has adhd and autism and he goes to school. But the trouble is...
27 AnswersHow do you prep your first child for the coming of...
I’ve probably left it a bit late but I’m due in a couple of weeks and I can’t...
5 AnswersWhat do you cook meatballs with?
My kids love them but I’ve only ever made them with spaghetti or as a filling for subs. I’ve tried googling recipes but those...
46 AnswersFirst Father’s Day gift ideas
It will be my partners first Father’s Day and I want to make it special. What did you get your partner for his first...
19 AnswersWhen did you move your baby/toddler to pull up nap...
I have a 15 month old walking baby who hates being laid down to have her nappy changed....
29 AnswersFlying with a 9.5 month old
We will be flying internationally soon (3-4hrs) for the first time with our son. He will be about 9.5 months old. What are...
16 AnswersKids Magnesium supplement recommendations
I’m looking for recommendations for high quality magnesium supplements for kids.
7 Answers