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Man decides to pause his gender reassignment so he could conceive a child. He says, “I didn’t feel like I had any choice but to have a baby now then get back to transitioning.”

Hayden Cross, 20, found a sperm donor on Facebook and became pregnant four months ago, shares Daily Mail.

He will complete his transition, which will remove his breasts and ovaries, after his child is born.

He told the Sun on Sunday: ‘I want the baby to have the best. I’ll be the greatest dad.’

Hayden has lived legally as man for three years. He has been taking male hormones which have given him facial hair and a deeper voice.

Desperate to have a baby at some point in his life, he asked the NHS to freeze his eggs before he completed his transition.

Sadly, he was left devastated when doctors refused to give him the £4,000 treatment, so he decided to look for a sperm donor online so he could give birth before he was no longer able.

He said: ‘I faced the prospect of not becoming the man I am supposed to be, physically, or a dad.

‘So I didn’t feel like I had any choice but to have a baby now then get back to transitioning.

He said the anonymous sperm donor, who he didn’t know, delivered the sperm to his door in a pot and he inserted it with a syringe because he could not afford a proper clinic.

Hayden said if the NHS had agreed to freeze his eggs then he would have waited until he was older and in a steady relationship before having a child.

He has said that he will ensure he stays single during the child’s formative years in order to keep matters as simple as possible.

He said: ‘I am worried about how I will look and what people will think and say about me.

‘There are a lot of small-minded people out there.’

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Image via The Sun

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  • This article is confusing to say the least. My big concern is what if the transgender treatment has a harmful effect on the baby. I REALISE THE TREATMENT HAS BEEN STOPPED FOR NOW. tHAT IS PROBABLY A GOOD THING.


  • What I don’t understand is why he didn’t wait and start the transgender treatment after the birth of the baby? What effect is the treatment going to have on the baby while in the womb??? Has its structure been effected by the treatment yet?


  • Im a bit like everyone else and confused as to why someone would say they want to be a man and then want to do things that only females can do. Either you want to be a man or you dont. If you want to be accepted as a Male then its very hard for people to give that full acceptance if you are then wishy washy yourself.
    Either way I hope that all the male hormones, etc wont impact the baby in a negative way health wise.


  • Hope she/he gets a lot of help as I don’t think she/he really knows her/his own mind and that’s why this is happening.


  • No matter how confused Hayden may feel, I hope that he has said it like it is – that the baby will have the best dad in the world, that child should be the most important consideration.


  • I’m a little confused! I have absolutely no issues with transgenders but it is a bit strange to transition from a woman to a man & still want to function as a woman. I just hope the world won’t be cruel to the child


  • Does anyone else find it strange she no longer wants to be a woman but still wants to give birth? I’m confused and I think he/she may also be


  • oh boy, sounds like he is quite confused. If you want to be a man ok, but to contemplate having a baby…. that is being a woman… Yep get the feeling of wanting a child


  • Wishing Hayden all the best for his future and family.


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