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Woolworths has revealed that there’s an ultra rare golden collectible for kids to find as part of its Bricks Farms series.

There are just 100 Golden Farmers in circulation, which will no doubt make them highly sought-after.

“The ultra rare Golden Farmer and Wheelbarrow bricks are now in circulation, and we encourage customers to check their collections in case they have already found one,” Woolworths Senior Manager Continuity and Collectibles Paul Stibbard said.

Previous rare collectibles in supermarket promotions have attracted huge prices, including a rare Simba collectible selling for $100,000 on eBay.

Woolworths popular collectibles returned on February 8, as Bricks Farms, in a nod to Australian farmers, and will be available until March 21, or while stocks last.

Woolworths Bricks collectibles

The new collectibles series aims to bring the journey from the farm to the supermarket to life – in miniature!

Woolworths says Bricks Farms showcase the people, activities and equipment that’s involved in getting fresh food from the farm to your local Woolies.

The collection is a ‘farm ecosystem’ and includes:

  • a farmer
  • a beekeeper
  • fruit and veg buyer
  • farm animals
  • The Odd Bunch fruit and veg
  • Macro products
  • a drone
  • a chicken coop
  • fruit trees

And this time, the collectibles have been made using 100% recycled plastic, from items like fridges and luggage handles.

Woolworths Bricks collectibles

Woolworths Bricks collectibles

Woolworths Bricks collectibles

Woolworths Bricks collectibles

Like with the previous Woolworths Bricks collectibles, if you happen to get duplicates, or your kids no longer want to play with their bricks, you can take them to your local Woolies to be recycled.

You’ll be able to collect one Bricks Farm pack for every $30 spent, whether thats via Pick Up, Direct To Boot, online delivery or in store.

Are you collecting Woolworths Bricks this time? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • I am not a regular Woolies shopper so totally missed this one.
    I now keep an eye out for things like this for my partners grandson. No grand babies of my own as yet so i get to enjoy sharing his one and only grand baby at this stage. fingers crossed for more


  • I don’t take these when offered
    I usually tell the check out person to give them to the person behind me


  • Did anyone get a rare one?


  • My kids have about 30 of these still unopened. Maybe we might have one of the super rare ones!


  • I’m not collecting them but there’s always a rare one, isn’t there, to create a frenzy?!


  • We have a pile of these that we haven’t tackled to open yet. We have a lot of work to do!


  • My kids love these – they go well with their Lego. But I think the ultra rare thing is kinda cruel, because most kids will never see them.


  • I just did my monthly on-line shop with Woolworths click and collect. When I got home (which is 2 hour drive away) and unpacked my groceries, I found a card that someone had written on saying “IOU 25 bricks”. Looks like I’ll be missing out because I’m not driving all the way back just to collect them. Was looking forward to see the smile on a little boys face too. As for the price of the rare Simba, that’s just crazy


  • I love the bricks. My kids collect them and it doesn’t matter if we have some extras.


  • I am not collecting this from Woolworths.


  • I shop at woolies regularly and collect them for my nephews as my bub is too small to play with them yet.


  • I actually like this collection but haven’t been shopping at woolies to get it.


  • I collect them for someone else, can’t be fussed myself


  • Ooh…everytime these are launched, me and the boys eagerly wait for our grocery shoppings..so fun to open and reveal a pack each time


  • I’m just a big kid and collect all, some for myself like the Ooshies to leave for the great grandkids. The farm one’s will be to help families asking for one’s I have on FB.


  • Great idea for kids but people are going to go nuts like they did with the squishy things last year


  • I would be happy if I just manage to collect all the standard pieces.


  • Love these


  • These are cute and its a great way to teach my daughter how fruit/veg are grown!


  • I love lego so am collecting this.
    I need around 5 more to complete the whole set.
    Sad to say I haven’t found a gold one!!!


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