CategoryKids, Tweens & Teens
Reaching out to all the mums out there for advice
Hi mums, I am in desperate need of an advice and guidance. Please help! My daughter has been given the...
11 AnswersAre there any kid friendly places to visit in Gold...
Thinking of visiting Gold Coast and Brisbane next month with a 6 year old child. Wondering is there...
8 AnswersFun activities that aren’t costly in Perth
I would love to hear what fun and cheap family activities people have come across in Perth to do over Christmas with family...
4 AnswersPartner’s ex called me a pedophile because of an...
Not sure if I’m wrong but I commented on my partner’s (of almost 2 years) profile pic of...
16 AnswersHow to prevent 6 year old bed wetting at night ?
I have a 6 year old who I’m trying to toilet train at night but it’s not working....
10 AnswersWhat’s the best way to explain to your kids you ...
I am getting a lot of questions about let Santa, Elf on the Shelf, Tooth Fairy etc and...
11 AnswersHave your kids ever been in a split class at schoo...
I am wondering if there are any parents who have had their kids put in a split class...
17 AnswersCompetitive sports
My son has been playing sport at a district level for nine years. This year, my son made it into the team at...
13 AnswersHow to deal step children and their mother when we...
My partner and I are expecting our first baby in a few months, and due to the high-risk...
17 AnswersFirst School Camp….what to bring to shower….
Hi, first school camp Helicopter mum here, stressing about shower at school camp. What do I instruct my child...
13 AnswersKid’s Birthday parties
Curious to hear other parents thoughts on kids having a birthday party 2 or 3 years in a row. To me I think...
5 AnswersMy 8-year-old Daughter is Being Super Picky About ...
Hey fellow parents, I’m reaching out for some advice and support here. I’m at my wit’s end with my...
24 AnswersWeight improving ideas
I need help with some suggestions on trying a weight-improving protein diet suggestions for my toddler She seems to be eating okay (no fruits...
17 AnswersToilet training
My daughter is 3 years 7 months we have had a tough journey with toilet training. She has mostly got pees on track,...
13 AnswersVaping – How to help encourage your teen to stop...
My son recently was caught vaping. Whilst he had a good discussion with his dad and I about...
18 AnswersKeeping the car clean
How do other mums keep their cars clean when they have kids? Mine is full of wrappers, cracker bits etc. I try keep...
12 AnswersInfant sleep
My 8 month old sleeps through the night but the last month she wakes at anytime, not crying not needing anything. We have...
14 AnswersGrinding teeth while sleeping
Any kid grinding teeth while sleeping? How to stop it. He is 5 yrs old he’s been doing it for years.
13 AnswersBullying – What To do?
Has anyone had experience with their kids being bullied and the best way to handle it? The school has not done anything about...
10 AnswersRelentless Head Lice
I need help. My daughter seems to constantly have head lice/nits. I am currently combing her hair with conditioner every few days to get...
21 AnswersTween sensory issues and hates washing
My tween, Miss 11, has sensory issues and hates the feel of the shower tiles on her feet. I’vd tried thongs but nothing...
16 AnswersWhat are your go to activities for kids
I am going on a holiday with some other parents and their kids soon, I have created a tub of indoor craft activities...
21 Answers