CategoryPregnancy & Babies
Baby monitor
Looking for a monitor, ideally having access through mobile phone. I have looked at the Eufy baby monitor with sock. As bub has...
7 AnswersFussy Baby
My almost 6 month old is always fussy, she doesn’t like to play with toys for very long (including when I play with...
13 AnswersContact sleeping/bfeeding while sleeping. How to s...
Hi. So my 18 months old is contact sleeping with me even at night. She only sleeps in...
11 Answers18 months old doesn’t like Formula milk/ fresh m...
Hi mums! My 18 months old is EBF til now but I am trying to introduced another option...
10 AnswersHow to deal step children and their mother when we...
My partner and I are expecting our first baby in a few months, and due to the high-risk...
17 AnswersFussy eater
Trying to find ways for our toddler to eat more healthier foods. Seems to enjoy them all at daycare but home with us...
17 AnswersPossible ADHD
My daughter is 3 and has always been a very energetic child. Since she was 4 days old she has not stopped moving...
22 AnswersCamping…
OK it’s not a tent, it’s a van. But I’m a single mum and this is my first camping trip to a friend’s...
27 AnswersWhat don’t I need for interstate trip
My 17 month old and I are heading away for a holiday. We’re flying to Sydney and staying with a relative. It’s just...
22 AnswersAdvice needed for sons first surgery
My 17 month old is about to have his first surgery. It’s quick, low risk and should be successful but I know when...
19 AnswersHypnobirthing
Has anyone got recommendations or resources or Hypnobirthing/natural pain relief resources?
8 AnswersInfant sleep
My 8 month old sleeps through the night but the last month she wakes at anytime, not crying not needing anything. We have...
14 Answers15 months old still doesn’t like car seat
I need some advices. My baby is now 15 months old, but ever since she doesn’t like car seat. She doesn’t stay calm...
20 AnswersMilk on my bedsheets, help!
My littlest one loves her milk and has a bottle at bedtime when we read her book. A few times the milk has...
17 AnswersToddler increase weight *help*
My 18M has dairy, egg, lentil, beef allergies and has always had slow weight gain. His allergies also has made him a fussy...
18 AnswersTricky bottle feeders
Baby number 4 will NOT take a bottle. Have figured out she dislikes the taste of formula so any suggestions on how to...
10 AnswersAnything else I need to include in my hospital bag...
We’re welcoming our 3rd child in 2 months time. I’m really excited as well as worried that I...
24 AnswersTried and Tested Methods to have a girl
This might be a controversial post – but I was wondering if anyone had any methods to try to conceive a girl. We...
18 AnswersLactation Cookies
Hi Ladies, has anyone tried any lactation cookies before and if so do they work? What brands would you recommend?
14 AnswersGalactorrhea
I gave birth just over a year ago and I only pumped for 2 months as my baby was born early and I...
19 AnswersBaby is screaming at feeds
Hi Mums Long time reader, first time poster. Looking for a little bit of help/words of support to help my sanity and stress levels Over the...
18 AnswersBest Brands
Hi Ladies can anyone please recommend the best Nappies and Wipes to use for a Newborn that are cost effective? Thank you
23 Answers