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A new mum has been left in tears after receiving a note from her neighbour annoyed at her four-month-old baby’s crying.

Queensland mum Tiffany found the note in her letterbox, and shared it to Facebook. It reads:

“Dear Neighbours, I’m writing this on behalf of your neighbours and wanted to reach out to you regarding the noise level coming from your residence, particularly the crying of your baby,” the note started

“While we understand that babies cry and a newborn can be tough, we can clearly hear everything from the early hours of the morning, throughout the day and into the evening.

“The prolonged and frequent crying has disrupted your fellow neighbours. Some of us work from home and others are shift workers. We have tried closing our windows and doors and even have turned on appliances with the TV and radio and the crying is still being heard.

“We value being good neighbours and respecting each others’ space but wanted to reach out and ask if it would be possible to close your rear doors and windows while the baby is feeling unsettled.

“I would appreciate your understanding and co-operation in this matter.”

baby crying neighbour note

The 36-year-old mum told Yahoo News Australia that the note left her upset, particularly as the area she lives in is near a noisy main road.

Tiffany says her baby doesn’t scream through the night, and settles quickly, and feels her neighbours should have approached her for a discussion.

“When you read the undertones, you know the reason they’ve used that language is to cause guilt,” she said.

The responses to Tiffany’s Facebook post were mixed, with some agreeing that it wasn’t the best way to approach the situation.

“As a new mum myself, this really hurt reading this. As if we don’t have enough to worry about already,” one person commented.

“That person obviously has never dealt with a newborn,” wrote another.

However, others sided with the neighbours.

“It’s not an aggressive letter or anything abusive or threatening. Even says he wants to be good neighbours.”

“I don’t see any harm in it.”

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • It must be very loud for the person to feel the need to complain?


  • She should close her windows and doors when the baby is crying. I hope this can be sorted out soon.


  • I’d be upset if I got that note too, but I would also be trying to settle my child as quickly as possible knowing very well that others would be able to hear.
    If it’s so bad, put the baby in the pram and go for a walk.
    The neighbour was polite in their note and didn’t bad mouth the mother, I assume they just want to make it aware to the new mum that the baby is crying a lot in hopes that the mother reaches out to someone for help on how to settle the child. Babies do cry a lot but they shouldn’t be crying all day and night.


  • They are only asking them to close the doors and windows. That’s not really a big deal is it?


  • Oh no, that woukd absolutely have made me feel terrible


  • Far out! I would’ve asked if she needed any help first! Hope she is ok, that’s a really hard note to swallow as a new mum, as any mum really.


  • I feel for this mum – good neighbours offer support and understanding.


  • I don’t know that a crying baby’s sound can travel that far?! Seems that neighbour is a Karen and bringing everyone else into it who probably don’t even know that that letter has been written…


  • It is a fairly polite letter, and if she has the doors open, etc I can understand a little. However, raising a baby is hard work, and they can afford to be a bit more understanding too, unless, since they’re such good parents, they are volunteering to babysit.


  • I think the mum is over reacting. They’ve acknowledged the challenges, they’re not having a go at her, and they’re asking her for a small temporary accommodation when they’ve already tried some things theirselves.


  • As a Mum of a baby who screamed pretty much 24/7 for the first 12 months of his life, I can only imagine how this mum must have felt receiving this letter. What about a little empathy for this poor Mum, perhaps check in, in person to see how she is coping. This letter sucks and is cowardly.

    • I agree; empathy and understanding goes a long way and builds relationships.

      • Yes I totally agree, when we stop having empathy for eachother we grow cold and become selfish

      • I agree and that is not the community or world we all want for ourselves and children.


  • Honestly i can see both sides. All they’ve really asked is if she could close the back door/windows if the baby is unsettled which is fair unless they have ducted air-conditioning and it’s super hot.


  • Leave a note on your door saying you sister is coming to stay a few months and she has 3 children under 4 years of age . Also say in the note sorry for the new worse noise coming soon


  • The poor mother, being a mum of a newborn is stressful enough, without this added stress!!


  • Babies cry to express their needs, there is simply no other way.
    I wonder what these “kind” neighbours expect this mum to do ?
    They write we appreciate ypour understanding and cooperation..
    Naturally a mum responds in the best way she can on her babies cries.
    What more can she do ??
    I think it’s an impossible request and very unpleasant she received it per written note


  • This is ridiculous. Newborns are crying.


  • Really, it was politely worded asking them to shut the doors & windows. Very reasonable. I can see it would be upsetting and may have been better coming in person but it is done now. They may have been worried about knocking and waking the baby or calling at a bad time. Consider them and let it go. Houses are sometimes too close together nowadays.


  • Being a good neighbour means no letters in mail boxes; receiving a letter from neighbours never ends well.


  • This situation sucks for everyone involved. The new Mum certainly doesn’t want baby crying and being unsettled, and the neighbour can have the expectation to have peace in their home. I think the suggestion of having a conversation in person is a tricky one, as the note made her burst out in tears. Hopefully both parties can close their windows for the time being, and the new Mum doesn’t stress herself out over this too much.


  • It’s never going to be intentional but i feel for both parties involved. It’s not often easy saying it face to face and the letter read in a friendly and nice manner that hopefully allowed a window of discussion. It’s a tough one but great neighbours would be able to discuss this openly.


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